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pathInterested in the health care field? The PATH (推进医疗保健人力计划的管道) 格兰特提供培训,旨在扩大健康科学项目的机会, address workforce shortages, and support career advancement.

Be part of the solution and become a nurse, EMT-paramedic, physical therapist assistant, surgical technologist and more! Illinois needs high-skill workers like you. bbin信誉网站可以为当前的医疗保健学生提供学费补贴, books, 设备和生活费都是通过这笔慷慨的国家补助金支付的.

Application for Fall 2024

PATH补助金申请将于8月9日星期一接受. 5 through Friday, Aug. 30.

收件人将在9月9日星期日之前收到电子邮件通知. 15.

Applications received after Friday, Aug. 2024年3月30日,如果资金充足,可能会考虑.

Please note: If you have applied for the PATH Grant before, 不管你是否获得了奖励, you are welcome to apply again.

To qualify for PATH Grant funds, 您必须被以下医疗保健计划之一录取并正在注册:

  • Associate Degree Nursing (AAS)
  • Associate in Applied Science EMS-Paramedic
  • 基本护士助理培训课程(证书)
  • 急救医疗技术员-护理人员证书
  • Health Information Management (AAS)
  • Medical Assisting Certificate
  • Medical Coding Specialist Certificate
  • Patient Care Assistant Certificate
  • Physical Therapist Assistant (AAS)
  • Practical Nursing Certificate
  • Surgical Technology (AAS)
  • Associate Degree Nursing (AAS)
  • Associate in Applied Science EMS-Paramedic
  • 基本护士助理培训课程(证书)
  • 急救医疗技术员-护理人员证书
  • Health Information Management (AAS)
  • Medical Assisting Certificate
  • Medical Coding Specialist Certificate
  • Patient Care Assistant Certificate
  • Physical Therapist Assistant (AAS)
  • Practical Nursing Certificate
  • Surgical Technology (AAS)

Starting Saturday, Aug. 2024年11月31日,将对申请进行紧急评估.

PATH Grant eligibility criteria

  1. 在职工人谁已经在劳动力寻找继续他们的教育和推进他们的职业生涯护理或医疗保健途径在伊利诺伊州, OR
  2. 新的,进入护理或卫生保健途径的学生确定需要支持, OR
  3. 第一代或低收入或少数族裔学生或上述类别的组合, AND
  4. 报名参加bbin信誉网站上面列出的一个项目.

Eligible requests

  • 课程资料(书本、实验费、考试费、备考费、所需服装等.)
  • Mileage reimbursement
  • Background checks for clinical sites
  • 用于诸如食品、住房、交通和/或儿童保育等额外支助的应急基金.
  • Tuition

Note: 这并不是所有符合条件的请求. 如果你的要求不在这个列表上,请发邮件 to inquire about its eligibility.

PATH purpose

The intent is to create, 支持和扩大护理途径的个人机会,并选择医疗保健途径,以获得证书和学位,进入和/或推进他们在医疗保健行业的职业生涯. 该计划旨在解决因COVID-19大流行而加剧的医疗保健行业工人短缺问题.

PATH Grant Questions & Answers


如果你当时在一个合格的项目中,你将不需要偿还助学金. However, 如果你发现自己在项目中需要支持, please reach out to an advisor or instructor. 也许有资源可以帮助你,所以你不必放弃一门课.

下课后我能保留我的课本和测试材料吗, or do I have to return them?



请保存文件、发票和适用收据. Contact Penny Grunder at
309-796-5402 or email at 里程报销必须得到助学金管理员的批准. 如果有合适的协议,里程将需要记录.

Where is this funding coming from?

This funding is coming from the State of Illinois.

Will this funding run out?

学院使用这些资金是有时间限制的, 而且我们不能保证每年都能收到这笔拨款. 如果你有什么想法可以帮助你或bbin平台网站大全完成课程, please send your ideas to the PATH Grant team at


学生可以通过各种方式来证明经济需求. 联邦佩尔助学金资格是机构确定学生经济需求的一种方式. 确定财政需求的其他方法可能是通过公共福利文件(SNAP), TANF, Medicaid).


所有的申请都将根据具体情况进行评估. 奖项是经过委员会仔细审查后颁发的. 提交申请并不保证一定获奖.


Quad-Cities Campus
Health Sciences Center
Room 322

Penny Grunder
Health Sciences Success Coach